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created spring 1995 in college by Erika E & OC,SH’s founder Cort; further written by Cort & now adapted to publish here


Parts written during lunch at work, Wednesday & Thursday, 02/11-12/1998.


Parts written during lunch at work, Tuesday, 02/17/1998 with review notes jotted down during lunch at work, Wednesday, 02/18/1998, & Friday, 02/20/1998.

Backtracking: After Michelle left Tammy’s, she went to see Matthew to tell him she loves him because Tammy’s comments about “showing” Matthew she (Michelle) wants him stuck with & stung her. Matthew & Michelle talked & then made love.

Present: Amy calls Matthew about the disappearance of Donnie, Adam & Barry, disturbing the after-glow moments between Matthew & Michelle. Matthew quickly explains to Michelle & rushes to get dressed. Michelle also hurries to dress so she can go with Matthew, who 1st calls the TV station to be sure to “run a piece” in hopes of finding the boys sooner rather than later.

In bed, Julia tells Richie “no” to his idea before he can even describe the plan he has in mind more. So, Richie quickly drops the subject, plotting to do it anyway, & Richie & Julia make love again.


At this point, I decided to “take stock” & jot down some plots to consider & follow-up on when I continued writing. I also made a note to myself to always review old storylines to be sure any new ideas I had along the way fit in with old actions to not have any idiosyncrasies with potential new plots. Some of the drama I wrote down to consider:
* Alicia’s being tormented leads state to expedite her release.
* New characters? Baseball players?
* 1 of Alicia’s female tormenters “hired” (bribe paid to get out of jail) by Wendleton? Perhaps “bribee” is the same student who set the bomb that caused Michelle to miscarry?
* Matthew-Michelle-Amy-Christine-Erika-Cathy-Carl-Michael hunt for Donnie-Adam-Barry.
* Desmond falls asleep again & dreams Wendleton takes over entire Rockingham estate-clan.
* Jackie uses Olivia’s reason in town against Christine who is desperately trying to find out what Olivia has for Tammy….
* Wendleton’s hired help is a baseball player?
* Mack arranges to bring Laura back to try to prove he is Jake’s grandfather…?

After writing the last possibilities during lunch at work Friday, 02/20/1998, I spent an evening at home, Monday, 02/23/1998, noting what vehicle(s) each character would have. For THIS edition, I noted the vehicles (updated, of course) in the Character Sketches.


After a break in March 1998 when I prepped the earlier additions to be printed & mailed, as well as started formulating additional plots (including a car accident, which I then wrote mid-May 1998 & will publicize in 3 weeks), I picked up full writing again April 1998….

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